How to get Artificial leather manufacturers and suppliers in Kolkata?

Are you looking for artificial leather manufacturers in Kolkata? If yes, I want to share some valuable information about artificial leather and manufacturers’ behaviour who are making it.

Kolkata is one of the major city of India and you may have noticed a variety of leather in the market. As we all know, there is an artificial leather present in the market apart of real leather because if its varieties. It is difficult to tell the difference between the two. Only artificial leather manufacturers have the audacity to tell the difference.

Do you know where most of the leather in India manufactures?

Most of the leather in India is manufactured in the city of Kolkata. There is an industrial complex in Karaidanga known as the Kolkata leather complex. 500 tanneries are there for the production of leather. 55% of India’s leather export takes place from the Kolkata only. Also, there are government based colleges in Kolkata for the study of leather technology to train the youngsters who can keep the industry going in the future.  

When we go to purchase leather items such as clothing or furnishing fabric we find it difficult to guess which is genuine leather and which is artificial leather. So we have mentioned a few differences between the two types of leather. Reading this carefully will surely make it easy for you to differentiate between the two of them.

Difference between real leather and artificial leather

Artificial leather manufacturers in Kolkata

Responsefabrics is artificial leather manufacturer based in Kolkata. We make all types of upholstery fabric for furnishing. The leathers made by us are one of a kind. Both artificial and real leather has its pros and cons. As a synthetic and natural leather manufacturer, we would suggest you read above about both the leathers and then decide which one best suits you. 

In Kolkata, we supply in both wholesale and retail as per the customer’s requirement. We have never got any complaints about our product from the customers. That’s why our customers are loyal and satisfied with us for a long time. If you are finding difficulty in choosing the right fabric for your furniture, we as leather manufacturers can help you decide what suits you best according to your needs. You can have different types of upholstery fabrics also with us. To know about it, read the articles given below.  

If you are looking for trial of a fabric range, Response fabrics will happily provide a sample for you. We are proud to be considered as one of the best artificial leather manufacturers in India from our audience point of view.

Client satisfaction is the basis of our foundation and will always be, so satisfy yourself with our sample first, our artificial leather will satisfy your every need and specification regarding the same.

To request an artificial leather sample don’t hesitate to make a call at +91-81300 27320 or email us at

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