

Width 140 cms/55” ± 2%
Composition 100% Polyester
Weight 375 grams per liner meter ± 5%
Fastness to Light 5+[BS 1006 (1990)]
Fastness to Rubbing Wet : 5 & Dry : 4.5
Flammability BS EN 1021-1 : 1994 (Cigarette)
BS 7176 : 1995 Low Hazard
Flammability performance is dependent on the
combination of material used.
Abrasion In excess of 90,000 Cycles Martindale Abrasion
tester at 12KPA Pressure.
Colour Matching Batch to batch variations in shade may be
occur within commercial tolerances.
Flame Retardant
Festival will meet BS EN 1021 (Match) and IS :
15061–2002, when treated with our flammliq®
Hydroguard This special treatment is applied to provide
water and stain repellency available on request.